πŸ” Alpha Leak: Video Games With a Twist

Investing in video game projects

πŸ” Alpha Leak: Video Games With a Twist
(Blackbird Interactive)

Welcome to the first edition of Alpha Leak β€” a new newsletter where I bring you some exciting investments I'm pursuing. Think of it as a one-pager behind why I'm making certain investments.

I've done a lot of investing in the last decade, and access to opportunities continues to improve. With many people fighting the SEC's outdated accreditation rules, more investment opportunities should be opened up to those previously locked out. Most of what I write about in this section should be available to every investor.

This blog section will be for paying members only, free subscribers still have access to the remaining 99% of posts on my blog, but this is something special for paying members. You can become a member here.

Also, note that investment opportunities featured on AL are precisely that: opportunities. Not guaranteed ten-baggers. I won't be giving any advice, just writing about my experiences. As always, you should do your research. Read the full disclaimer.

Please provide feedback by replying or emailing me at newsletter@. Enjoy the first edition.

I've been gaming all my life and have always wanted to invest in them. I noticed studios raising funds on Kickstarter six years ago, but the model seemed off. Backers were exposed to all the downside when projects failed, but none of the success when projects became critical hits. Regardless of how well a game performed, backers got t-shirts, early access, and maybe a collectors edition if the game ever shipped. As an investor, this model seemed broken because people were backing commercial projects.

This post is for paying subscribers only

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